Surprising Features in Modern Video Games

Surprising Features in Modern Video Games

Intro about Surprising Features in Modern Video Games

Video games have come a long way since their inception. From simple pixelated graphics to immersive, realistic environments, the evolution of video games is truly remarkable. As technology continues to advance, modern video games are incorporating a wide variety of surprising features. These features enhance gameplay and provide a more interactive experience. Game Zone Central, a top reviewing website for video games, has compiled a list of the 10 most surprising features found in modern video games.

Top 10 amazing features in modern video games

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR technology has exploded in recent years, and many modern video games now offer VR compatibility. Also, this allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game world, with the use of VR headsets and motion controllers.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows players to experience the game in the real world by using a device’s camera to see the game overlaid on their surroundings. This feature allows players to fully immerse themselves in the game and interact with their environment in a unique and innovative way. AR technology is becoming increasingly popular in modern video games and is sure to be a game-changer in the future.

Open-World Environments

Gone are the days of linear gameplay. Modern video games often feature vast open-world environments that allow players to explore and interact with their surroundings in a non-linear fashion.

Procedurally Generated Worlds

Procedurally Generated Worlds are a feature found in some modern video games use a complex algorithm to create unique and randomly generated worlds for players to explore. This means that no two play-through of the game will be exactly the same, as the world is constantly changing and evolving. This feature adds an element of surprise and unpredictability to gameplay, making each play-through a new and exciting experience. It’s no wonder that procedurally generated worlds are becoming increasingly popular in modern video games.

NPC (Non-Player Character) Interactions

Non-Player Characters, or NPC’s, are a common feature found in many modern video games. These characters are not controlled by the player, but rather by the game’s artificial intelligence. NPC’s can serve a variety of purposes, from providing information and quests to simply adding flavor to the game world. The ability to interact with NPC’s allows for a more immersive gameplay experience, as players can engage with the game world in a more realistic and interactive way. Many modern games feature complex NPC characters with their own unique personalities and storylines, adding an extra layer of depth and immersion to gameplay.

Dynamic Weather

Dynamic Weather is a feature found in some modern video games that incorporates realistic weather systems that change in real-time. This means that the weather in the game world will change as the player progresses through the game, adding an extra layer of realism and immersion. Dynamic weather can also affect gameplay, as certain weather conditions may make certain tasks more difficult or change the appearance of the game world. This feature is becoming increasingly popular in modern games, as it adds an extra level of depth and realism to the gameplay experience.

Dynamic Time of Day

Dynamic Time of Day is a feature found in some modern video games allows the game world to change as the in-game time changes. This means that the game world will go through the same cycles of daylight and darkness as the real world, adding an extra layer of realism and immersion to gameplay. This feature is becoming increasingly popular in modern games, as it adds an extra level of depth and realism to the gameplay experience.

Photo Mode

Many modern video games feature Photo mode. It allows players to take in-game screenshots and customize them before sharing. It allows players to pause the game and take pictures of their character or the game world. This feature allows players to capture memorable moments or beautiful landscapes and share them with others.  This feature is becoming increasingly popular in modern games. It allows players to share their experiences and create unique content.

Modding Support

Modding Support is a feature found in some modern video games. It allows players to create and share custom content. This can include custom characters, levels, weapons, and more. Players can customize their game experience and create unique content. This feature is becoming increasingly popular in modern games. It allows players to get creative and add their own personal touch to the game. It is a great way for players to express themselves. Moreover, it add an extra layer of depth and creativity to the gameplay experience.

Cross-Play Compatibility

Many modern video games allow players on different platforms to play together online through cross-play compatibility featur.  This means that players on consoles, PCs, and mobile devices can all play together in the same game world. Cross-play compatibility is becoming increasingly popular in modern games. This feature allows for a more inclusive and connected gaming community.


Modern video games are constantly evolving and incorporating new, innovative features that enhance gameplay and provide a more interactive experience. We listed just a few examples of the endless possibilities found in today’s video games. Be sure to check out Game Zone Central, the top reviewing website for video games.

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